Accumulation of Charge Mechanisms in Electrochemical Systems Based on Carbon and Nickel Tungstate

B. I. Rachiya, *, Yu. Yu. Starchuka, **, P. I. Kolkovskyya, I. M. Budzulyaka, L. S. Yablona, V. O. Kotsyubynsky a, O. V. Morushkoa, and O. M. Khemiya

aFaculty of Physics and Technology, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018 Ukraine

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Received 9 December, 2019

Abstract—In this work, the porous structure of a carbon material and a crystalline structure of NiWO4 have been investigated. The electrochemical performance of symmetric and hybrid asymmetric supercapacitors was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic cycling methods. The processes occur mainly at the electrode-electrolyte interface have been analyzed. It was determined that at discharge currents of 1 and 5 mA, the specific capacitance value for the hybrid asymmetric supercapacitors twice exceeds the given value for the symmetric ones under the same conditions.

Keywords: hybrid electrochemical supercapacitors, porous carbon material, nickel tungstate, Faradaic redox reactions

DOI: 10.3103/S1068375520060149