Fluorescence Excitation Spectra
of a Single Impurity Terrylene Molecule in n-Decane

K. K. Rebane, O. Ollikainen, and V. V. Palm

Institute of Physics, Tarty, EE-2400 Estonia

Received July 23, 1997

Abstract—The results of measurements of fluorescence excitation spectra of single terrylene molecules in
frame0decane (the Shpolskii matrix) at 1.7 K are reported. The signal-to-noise ratio (the peak intensity of the purely
electronic zero-phonon line) equal to 15 : 1 is achieved. The main attention is paid to the linewidths. They are
noticeably different (up to 30%) not only for different terrylene molecules but also for the same molecule
detected at different instants of time with an interval of about 10 min. The widths of some lines are narrower
than the known averaged natural linewidth of an ensemble of terrylene molecules in polyethylene. The possible
role of the frequency dependence of the density of modes of the electromagnetic field in the measurement of
the spontaneous lifetime and radiation linewidth is discussed.

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