Features of the Formation of Conductive Channels in Memristors Based on Solid Electrolytes

A. N. Aleshina, N. V. Zenchenkoa,b, and O. A. Rubana,b,*

a Mokerov Institute of Ultra High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117105 Russia

b MIREA Russian Technological University, Moscow, 119454 Russia

Correspondence to: *e-mail: myx.05@mail.ru

Received 31 January, 2022

Abstract—Experimental data on measurement of the resistance and electrical conductivity in the low-resistance mode of operation of a germanium-selenide-based memristor with a self-forming conductive channel in the form of a silver filament are obtained in the range of operating frequencies and temperatures. In the frequency experiment, the influence of the switching frequency is tested at room temperature in the range of 1–10 000 Hz. The main result of the experiment is the identification of a linear relationship between the electrical conductivity and the memristor operating cycle time in semilogarithmic coordinates, which made it possible to introduce a temperature-dependent kinetic constant. This experimental fact made it possible to establish the main parameter affecting the shape of the current–voltage characteristics, namely the thickness of the conductive channel.

Keywords: memristor, solid electrolyte, amorphous matrix, agglomeration clusters, nanocavities, Arrhenius law, activation energy

DOI: 10.1134/S2635167622070023