Plasmonic Metasurfaces for Controlling the Spectrum of Photoconductive THz Emitters

I. A. Glinskiya,*, A. E. Yachmeneva, D. V. Lavrukhinb, R. A. Khabibullina, S. A. Gamkrelidzeb, K. I. Zaytseva, I. E. Spektora, and D. S. Ponomareva

a Mokerov Institute of Ultra-High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117105 Russia

b Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991 Russia

Correspondence to: *e-mail:

Received 31 January, 2022

Abstract—Plasmonic metasurfaces for photoconductive antennas (PCAs) based on InAlAs/InGaAs superlattice heterostructures are proposed and fabricated. It is found by the measurements of the PCAs in a terahertz pulsed spectrometer that the maximum detected integrated terahertz power is 5.3 μW (the optical-to-THz conversion efficiency is 0.19%) under laser pumping at an average power of 2.8 mW and a bias voltage of 8.6 V. The signal increment caused by the excitation of plasmonic modes makes it possible to obtain a high signal-to-noise ratio (~80 dB). The experiments show that the emitted power density increases with the metasurface metallization height (thickness). With the parameters obtained, the developed antennas can open a path towards the development of THz spectroscopic and imaging systems in Russia.

Keywords: terahertz sources, photoconductive antenna, terahertz radiation, metasurfaces

DOI: 10.1134/S2635167622070060