L-Band Brillouinframe0Erbium Fiber Laser

S. W. Harun, N. Tamchek, P. Poopalan, and H. Ahmad

Department of Physics, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

e-mail: wadi72@yahoo.com

Received June 27, 2002

Abstract—The operation of the Brillouin–erbium fiber laser (BEFL) in the long wavelength band (L-band) is
experimentally demonstrated. It uses a 50-m-long erbium-doped fiber (EDF) with a 400 ppm ion concentration
as a gain medium to amplify the Stokes frequency signal generated in single-mode fiber (SMF). The Stokes
frequency is shifted 10 GHz from its Brillouin pump with a tunability from 1598–1612 nm for a single wave-
length BEFL. Multiple wavelength generation in the BEFL is realized by adding two 3-dB couplers joined in a
reverse-S arrangement to take a portion of the generated BEFL signal and reinject it into the SMF to seed a
cascaded BEFL line in the same direction as the first BEFL line. Twenty lines, including the anti-Stokes lines,
are obtained with a maximum Brillouin pump and a 980-nm pump power of 8.8 mW and 92 mW, respectively.
The L-band BEFL has the potential to be used in the future wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) commu-
nication system.

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